


前々回から、Renode という QEMU に似たオープンソースのエミュレータを試しています。

前回は、GDB で接続するところをやりましたが、バイナリファイルではうまく動きませんでした。










まず、Renode の公式サイトは以下です。


Renode の公式のドキュメントは以下です。


また、GitHub は以下です。


今回は、Renode をバイナリファイルで動かしていきます。


前回、気になったのは、Renode の開始方法が、Renode のドキュメントの GDB でデバッグ に書かれてる内容と異なっているところです。

ドキュメントには、Renode には、3種類のエミュレーションの開始方法が用意されていると書かれています。

1つ目は Renode から start で開始する方法で、2つ目は GDB から monitor start で開始する方法で、3つ目は GDB から接続されると自動的に開始する方法です。

しかし、今回試した Renode の v1.15 では、GDB を接続すると、勝手に開始してしまい、3つ目の方法しか実現できない状態です。

参考にさせてもらった以下のサイトでは、v1.9 を使っていて、上記の v1.15 の問題は無いようです。


同じ v1.9 を使って、動作を確認したいと思います。

以下で、Renode のリリースバージョンを取得できます。


では、v1.9 をダウンロードして、ELFファイルや、バイナリファイルのシンボリックファイルを作ります。

$ wget https://github.com/renode/renode/releases/download/v1.9.0/renode-1.9.0.linux-portable.tar.gz
$ tar zxvf renode-1.9.0.linux-portable.tar.gz
$ cd renode_1.9.0+20200310git169a3c8_portable/
$ ln -s /home/daisuke/eclipse-workspace/stm32f4discovery_sample/Debug/stm32f4discovery_sample.elf
$ ln -s /home/daisuke/eclipse-workspace/stm32f4discovery_sample/Debug/stm32f4discovery_sample_bin2elf_entry.elf
$ ln -s /home/daisuke/eclipse-workspace/stm32f4discovery_sample/Debug/stm32f4discovery_sample_objcopy.bin


それでは、v1.9 で起動していきます。まずは、普通の ELFファイルでやってみます。

$ ./renode
Gtk-Message: 14:56:39.420: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
14:56:43.9073 [INFO] Loaded monitor commands from: /home/daisuke/svn_/renode/renode_1.9.0+20200310git169a3c8_portable/./scripts/monitor.py
(monitor) mach create
14:57:49.7915 [INFO] System bus created.
(machine-0) machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/boards/stm32f4_discovery-kit.repl 
14:58:20.7004 [DEBUG] Segment size automatically calculated to value 16MiB
14:58:20.7022 [DEBUG] Segment size automatically calculated to value 64KiB
14:58:20.7023 [DEBUG] Segment size automatically calculated to value 128KiB
14:58:20.8957 [DEBUG] Segment size automatically calculated to value 64KiB
14:58:21.0064 [INFO] Reading cache
14:58:21.0254 [WARNING] There was an error while loading index file. Cache will be rebuilt.
14:58:21.0383 [INFO] Downloading http://antmicro.com/projects/renode/svd/STM32F40x.svd.gz.
14:58:24.3527 [INFO] Downloading: http://antmicro.com/projects/renode/svd/STM32F40x.svd.gz
    Progress: 66% (48KiB/72.46KiB)
    Speed: 68.61KB/s.
14:58:24.5840 [INFO] Download done.
14:58:24.5863 [INFO] Decompressing http://antmicro.com/projects/renode/svd/STM32F40x.svd.gz.
14:58:24.5956 [INFO] Decompression done
14:58:25.0095 [INFO] sysbus: Loaded SVD: /tmp/renode-18101/34d954dc-2b85-45bb-b125-2abe0fbea430.tmp. Name: STM32F40x. Description: STM32F40x.
(machine-0) sysbus LoadELF @stm32f4discovery_sample.elf 
15:01:45.8758 [DEBUG] sysbus: Loading ELF /home/daisuke/svn_/renode/renode_1.9.0+20200310git169a3c8_portable/stm32f4discovery_sample.elf.
15:01:45.8901 [INFO] sysbus: Loading segment of 11000 bytes length at 0x8000000.
15:01:45.9041 [DEBUG] sysbus: Segment loaded.
15:01:45.9048 [INFO] sysbus: Loading segment of 360 bytes length at 0x8002AF8.
15:01:45.9049 [DEBUG] sysbus: Segment loaded.
15:01:45.9050 [INFO] sysbus: Loading segment of 256 bytes length at 0x2001F700.
15:01:45.9050 [DEBUG] sysbus: Segment loaded.
(machine-0) machine StartGdbServer 3333
15:02:58.5980 [INFO] machine-0: GDB server with all CPUs started on port :3333

Renode 側は問題なく、環境の設定が完了しました。v1.15 に比べて、ログの量が多いですね。それでは、GDB で接続していきます。

$ arm-none-eabi-gdb stm32f4discovery_sample.elf
(gdb) target remote :3333
Remote debugging using :3333
0x00000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) monitor start
Starting emulation...
(gdb) disp/5i $pc
2: x/5i $pc
=> 0x0:    movs    r0, r0
   0x2: movs    r0, r0
   0x4: movs    r0, r0
   0x6: movs    r0, r0
   0x8: movs    r0, r0
(gdb) si
Reset_Handler () at ../startup.S:120
120            ldr     r1,  =__process_stack_start
2: x/5i $pc
=> 0x8000cf8 <Reset_Handler+4>: ldr r1, [pc, #24]  @ (0x8000d14 <Reset_Handler+32>)
   0x8000cfa <Reset_Handler+6>:  orr.w   r0, r0, #2
   0x8000cfe <Reset_Handler+10>: ldr r2, [pc, #24]  @ (0x8000d18 <Reset_Handler+36>)
   0x8000d00 <Reset_Handler+12>: bic.w   r0, r0, #1
   0x8000d04 <Reset_Handler+16>: msr PSP, r1


15:04:28.9269 [WARNING] sysbus: Tried to access bytes at non-existing peripheral in range <0x00000000, 0x00000003>.
15:05:48.8649 [INFO] cpu: Guessing VectorTableOffset value to be 0x8000000.
15:05:48.8711 [INFO] cpu: Setting initial values: PC = 0x8000CF5, SP = 0x20020000.
15:05:48.8742 [INFO] machine-0: Machine started.
15:06:46.4515 [WARNING] sysbus: Tried to access bytes at non-existing peripheral in range <0x00000000, 0x0000003F>.
15:07:05.7112 [WARNING] sysbus: Tried to access bytes at non-existing peripheral in range <0x00000000, 0x00000003>.


では、ELFファイルから一度バイナリファイルに変換し、ELFファイルを再構築したデバッグ情報の無い ELFファイルを使って、やってみます。

$ ./renode
Gtk-Message: 15:11:18.480: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
15:11:22.8243 [INFO] Loaded monitor commands from: /home/daisuke/svn_/renode/renode_1.9.0+20200310git169a3c8_portable/./scripts/monitor.py
(monitor) mach create
15:13:42.4421 [INFO] System bus created.
(machine-0) machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/boards/stm32f4_discovery-kit.repl
15:14:11.7848 [DEBUG] Segment size automatically calculated to value 16MiB
15:14:11.7864 [DEBUG] Segment size automatically calculated to value 64KiB
15:14:11.7865 [DEBUG] Segment size automatically calculated to value 128KiB
15:14:11.9750 [DEBUG] Segment size automatically calculated to value 64KiB
15:14:12.0839 [INFO] Reading cache
15:14:12.5026 [INFO] sysbus: Loaded SVD: /tmp/renode-18250/d3583bb6-5906-45ac-a48b-5fb2304666ac.tmp. Name: STM32F40x. Description: STM32F40x.
(machine-0) sysbus LoadELF @stm32f4discovery_sample_bin2elf_entry.elf
15:16:06.2839 [DEBUG] sysbus: Loading ELF /home/daisuke/svn_/renode/renode_1.9.0+20200310git169a3c8_portable/stm32f4discovery_sample_bin2elf_entry.elf.
15:16:06.2928 [INFO] sysbus: Loading segment of 11116 bytes length at 0x8000000.
15:16:06.3079 [DEBUG] sysbus: Segment loaded.
(machine-0) machine StartGdbServer 3333
15:18:30.7201 [INFO] machine-0: GDB server with all CPUs started on port :3333

Renode 側の起動は問題なく完了しました。GDB を接続していきます。

$ arm-none-eabi-gdb stm32f4discovery_sample_bin2elf_entry.elf
Reading symbols from stm32f4discovery_sample_bin2elf_entry.elf...
(No debugging symbols found in stm32f4discovery_sample_bin2elf_entry.elf)
(gdb) target remote :3333
Remote debugging using :3333
0x00000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) monitor start
Starting emulation...

GDB 側からエミュレーションを開始できましたが、Renode 側で、以下のようなエラーが出ました。v1.15 で出ていたエラーと同じようです。

15:23:03.4246 [WARNING] sysbus: Tried to access bytes at non-existing peripheral in range <0x00000000, 0x00000003>.
15:23:13.2655 [WARNING] sysbus: ReadDoubleWord from non existing peripheral at 0x4.
15:23:13.2656 [WARNING] sysbus: ReadDoubleWord from non existing peripheral at 0x0.
15:23:13.2694 [ERROR] cpu: PC does not lay in memory or PC and SP are equal to zero. CPU was halted.
15:23:13.2695 [INFO] cpu: Setting initial values: PC = 0x0, SP = 0x0.
15:23:13.2700 [WARNING] cpu: Patching PC 0x0 for Thumb mode.
15:23:13.2732 [INFO] machine-0: Machine started.




$ ./renode
Gtk-Message: 16:15:09.517: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
16:15:13.8605 [INFO] Loaded monitor commands from: /home/daisuke/svn_/renode/renode_1.9.0+20200310git169a3c8_portable/./scripts/monitor.py
(monitor) mach create
16:15:40.0008 [INFO] System bus created.
(machine-0) machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/boards/stm32f4_discovery-kit.repl 
16:15:57.2579 [DEBUG] Segment size automatically calculated to value 16MiB
16:15:57.2597 [DEBUG] Segment size automatically calculated to value 64KiB
16:15:57.2599 [DEBUG] Segment size automatically calculated to value 128KiB
16:15:57.4515 [DEBUG] Segment size automatically calculated to value 64KiB
16:15:57.5902 [INFO] Reading cache
16:15:58.0103 [INFO] sysbus: Loaded SVD: /tmp/renode-18499/3817eaaf-f1d4-417c-8831-907a71459863.tmp. Name: STM32F40x. Description: STM32F40x.
(machine-0) sysbus LoadBinary @stm32f4discovery_sample_objcopy.bin 0x08000000
16:18:08.6728 [DEBUG] sysbus: Loading binary /home/daisuke/svn_/renode/renode_1.9.0+20200310git169a3c8_portable/stm32f4discovery_sample_objcopy.bin at 0x8000000.
16:18:08.6902 [DEBUG] sysbus: Binary loaded.
(machine-0) machine StartGdbServer 3333
16:19:43.6066 [INFO] machine-0: GDB server with all CPUs started on port :3333

v1.15 では、LoadBinary を実行したとき、何もログが出力されなかったですが、v1.9 では、それらしいログが出ています。それでは、GDB を起動していきます。

$ arm-none-eabi-gdb stm32f4discovery_sample.elf
(gdb) target remote :3333
Remote debugging using :3333
0x00000000 in ?? ()
(gdb) monitor start
Starting emulation...

GDB 側は正常に見えますが、Renode 側で以下のようなエラーが出ています。

16:20:26.1322 [WARNING] sysbus: Tried to access bytes at non-existing peripheral in range <0x00000000, 0x00000003>.
16:20:33.3925 [WARNING] sysbus: ReadDoubleWord from non existing peripheral at 0x4.
16:20:33.3925 [WARNING] sysbus: ReadDoubleWord from non existing peripheral at 0x0.
16:20:33.3945 [ERROR] cpu: PC does not lay in memory or PC and SP are equal to zero. CPU was halted.
16:20:33.3946 [INFO] cpu: Setting initial values: PC = 0x0, SP = 0x0.
16:20:33.3948 [WARNING] cpu: Patching PC 0x0 for Thumb mode.
16:20:33.3976 [INFO] machine-0: Machine started.


v1.9 で動かしてみましたが、v1.15 と結果は変わりませんでした。


v1.15 に戻して、もう少し試します。

まず、普通に起動すると、Renode モニターという別のウィンドウが立ち上がりますが、--console オプションを付けて起動すると、同じウィンドウで操作が可能です。今後は、このオプションを使っていきます。

$ ./renode --console
Gtk-Message: 17:09:50.311: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
17:09:51.1583 [INFO] Loaded monitor commands from: /home/daisuke/svn_/renode/renode_1.15.0_portable/scripts/monitor.py
Renode, version (9111b18e-202403181532)


ログレベルは、Renode のログに関するドキュメント によると、以下の5種類があるようです。

  • NOISY:-1
  • DEBUG:0
  • INFO:1
  • ERROR:3
(monitor) logLevel 
Currently set levels:
Backend           | Emulation element                   | Level
memory            :                                     : INFO
console           :                                     : INFO
(monitor) logLevel 0
(monitor) logLevel 
Currently set levels:
Backend           | Emulation element                   | Level
memory            :                                     : DEBUG
console           :                                     : DEBUG
(monitor) logLevel -1
(monitor) logLevel 
Currently set levels:
Backend           | Emulation element                   | Level
memory            :                                     : NOISY
console           :                                     : NOISY


ログを最大で出力する設定でやってみます。ログの量が多いので、ログは重要なところだけ貼り付けます。まずは、普通の ELFファイルです。

(monitor) mach create
(machine-0) machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/boards/stm32f4_discovery-kit.repl
(machine-0) sysbus LoadELF @stm32f4discovery_sample.elf 
17:32:50.9360 [DEBUG] sysbus: Loading ELF /home/daisuke/svn_/renode/renode_1.15.0_portable/stm32f4discovery_sample.elf.
17:32:50.9462 [INFO] sysbus: Loading segment of 11000 bytes length at 0x8000000.
17:32:50.9505 [NOISY] flash: Allocating segment of size 131072.
17:32:50.9506 [NOISY] flash: Segment no 0 allocated at 0x7755F1CB5780 (aligned to 0x7755F1CB6000).
17:32:50.9519 [NOISY] flash: Invalidating memory fragment at 0x0 of size 11000 bytes.
17:32:50.9687 [DEBUG] sysbus: Segment loaded.
17:32:50.9688 [INFO] sysbus: Loading segment of 360 bytes length at 0x8002AF8.
17:32:50.9688 [NOISY] flash: Invalidating memory fragment at 0x2AF8 of size 360 bytes.
17:32:50.9689 [DEBUG] sysbus: Segment loaded.
17:32:50.9690 [INFO] sysbus: Loading segment of 256 bytes length at 0x2001F700.
17:32:50.9691 [NOISY] sram: Allocating segment of size 65536.
17:32:50.9691 [NOISY] sram: Segment no 1 allocated at 0x7755F1D0CEA0 (aligned to 0x7755F1D0D000).
17:32:50.9692 [NOISY] sram: Invalidating memory fragment at 0x1F700 of size 256 bytes.
17:32:50.9693 [DEBUG] sysbus: Segment loaded.
(machine-0) machine StartGdbServer 3333
(machine-0) 17:33:40.5324 [INFO] machine-0: GDB server with all CPUs started on port :3333

GDB を起動します。

$ arm-none-eabi-gdb stm32f4discovery_sample.elf
(gdb) target remote :3333
Remote debugging using :3333
Reset_Handler () at ../startup.S:119
119            mrs     r0,  control

Renode 側のログです。

(machine-0) 17:33:50.0886 [NOISY] machine-0: Starting sysbus.cpu.
17:33:50.0898 [INFO] cpu: Guessing VectorTableOffset value to be 0x8000000.
17:33:50.0919 [NOISY] cpu: VectorTableOffset set to 0x8000000.
17:33:50.0970 [INFO] cpu: Setting initial values: PC = 0x8000CF5, SP = 0x20020000.
17:33:50.0984 [NOISY] cpu: Resumed.
17:33:50.0985 [INFO] machine-0: Machine started.
17:33:50.1025 [NOISY] cpu: Waiting for a step instruction (PC=0x08000CF4).
17:33:50.2784 [NOISY] cpu: Trying to find the mapping for offset 0x8000C00.
17:33:50.2854 [NOISY] cpu: Allocated 24B pointer at 0x131210647451808.
17:33:50.2856 [NOISY] cpu: Allocated is now 40.45MiB.
17:33:50.3150 [NOISY] cpu: Allocated 48B pointer at 0x131210647877840.
17:33:50.3151 [NOISY] cpu: Allocated is now 40.45MiB.
17:33:50.3152 [NOISY] cpu: Allocated 24B pointer at 0x131210647837728.
17:33:50.3153 [NOISY] cpu: Allocated is now 40.45MiB.
17:33:50.3153 [NOISY] cpu: Allocated 24B pointer at 0x131211251178080.
17:33:50.3154 [NOISY] cpu: Allocated is now 40.45MiB.
17:33:50.3155 [NOISY] cpu: Allocated 24B pointer at 0x131211251178112.
17:33:50.3156 [NOISY] cpu: Allocated is now 40.45MiB.
17:33:50.3159 [NOISY] cpu: Deallocated a 24B pointer at 0x131210647451808.
17:33:50.3160 [NOISY] cpu: Memory mappings rebuilt, there are 1 host blocks now.


続いて、バイナリファイルから構築した ELFファイルです。

$ ./renode --console
Gtk-Message: 17:09:50.311: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
17:09:51.1583 [INFO] Loaded monitor commands from: /home/daisuke/svn_/renode/renode_1.15.0_portable/scripts/monitor.py
Renode, version (9111b18e-202403181532)
(monitor) mach create
(machine-0) machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/boards/stm32f4_discovery-kit.repl
(machine-0) sysbus LoadELF @stm32f4discovery_sample_bin2elf_entry.elf 
17:51:43.6156 [DEBUG] sysbus: Loading ELF /home/daisuke/svn_/renode/renode_1.15.0_portable/stm32f4discovery_sample_bin2elf_entry.elf.
17:51:43.6229 [INFO] sysbus: Loading segment of 11116 bytes length at 0x8000000.
17:51:43.6267 [NOISY] flash: Allocating segment of size 131072.
17:51:43.6268 [NOISY] flash: Segment no 0 allocated at 0x7F4675CC03B0 (aligned to 0x7F4675CC1000).
17:51:43.6279 [NOISY] flash: Invalidating memory fragment at 0x0 of size 11116 bytes.
17:51:43.6440 [DEBUG] sysbus: Segment loaded.
(machine-0) machine StartGdbServer 3333
17:55:22.6905 [INFO] machine-0: GDB server with all CPUs started on port :3333

GDB を起動します。

$ arm-none-eabi-gdb stm32f4discovery_sample.elf
(gdb) target remote :3333
Remote debugging using :3333
0x00000000 in ?? ()

Renode 側のログです。

(machine-0) 17:55:51.3930 [NOISY] machine-0: Starting sysbus.cpu.
17:55:51.4016 [WARNING] sysbus: [cpu: 0x0] ReadDoubleWord from non existing peripheral at 0x4.
17:55:51.4018 [WARNING] sysbus: [cpu: 0x0] ReadDoubleWord from non existing peripheral at 0x0.
17:55:51.4051 [ERROR] cpu: PC does not lay in memory or PC and SP are equal to zero. CPU was halted.
17:55:51.4187 [INFO] cpu: Setting initial values: PC = 0x0, SP = 0x0.
17:55:51.4190 [WARNING] cpu: Patching PC 0x0 for Thumb mode.
17:55:51.4200 [NOISY] cpu: Resumed.
17:55:51.4201 [INFO] machine-0: Machine started.



$ ./renode --console
Gtk-Message: 17:09:50.311: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module"
17:09:51.1583 [INFO] Loaded monitor commands from: /home/daisuke/svn_/renode/renode_1.15.0_portable/scripts/monitor.py
Renode, version (9111b18e-202403181532)
(monitor) mach create
(machine-0) machine LoadPlatformDescription @platforms/boards/stm32f4_discovery-kit.repl
(machine-0) sysbus LoadBinary @stm32f4discovery_sample_objcopy.bin 0x08000000
17:27:45.2367 [NOISY] flash: Allocating segment of size 131072.
17:27:45.2368 [NOISY] flash: Segment no 0 allocated at 0x744C65D4A240 (aligned to 0x744C65D4B000).
17:27:45.2381 [NOISY] flash: Invalidating memory fragment at 0x0 of size 11116 bytes.
17:27:45.2580 [DEBUG] sysbus: /home/daisuke/svn_/renode/renode_1.15.0_portable/stm32f4discovery_sample_objcopy.bin File loaded.
(machine-0) machine StartGdbServer 3333
(machine-0) m17:28:11.9358 [INFO] machine-0: GDB server with all CPUs started on port :3333

GDB を起動します。

$ arm-none-eabi-gdb stm32f4discovery_sample.elf
(gdb) target remote :3333
Remote debugging using :3333
0x00000000 in ?? ()

Renode 側のログです。

(machine-0) 17:28:23.2001 [NOISY] machine-0: Starting sysbus.cpu.
17:28:23.2095 [WARNING] sysbus: [cpu: 0x0] ReadDoubleWord from non existing peripheral at 0x4.
17:28:23.2096 [WARNING] sysbus: [cpu: 0x0] ReadDoubleWord from non existing peripheral at 0x0.
17:28:23.2127 [ERROR] cpu: PC does not lay in memory or PC and SP are equal to zero. CPU was halted.
17:28:23.2224 [INFO] cpu: Setting initial values: PC = 0x0, SP = 0x0.
17:28:23.2227 [WARNING] cpu: Patching PC 0x0 for Thumb mode.
17:28:23.2238 [NOISY] cpu: Resumed.
17:28:23.2239 [INFO] machine-0: Machine started.




次回は、Renode をソースからビルドして、Renode のソースを見ていこうと思います。



